


Create Curious Minds was born from a desire to help parents and caregivers to deepen their connection to both themselves and their children through the power of play and mindful communication.

In learning to understand yourself better and take greater care of your own wellbeing, you can live with a deeper sense of joy, connection and vitality. This enables you to encourage your children to grow into empowered individuals and nurture a family dynamic that allows you all to thrive.

Empowered Choices

We help parents to raise empowered and emotionally intelligent kids through mindfulness, curiosity and playful living.

Emotional Intelligence

Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels.com

We can learn to teach ourselves and our children to feel, communicate and process emotions in a healthy way; to play creatively and expansively; and to live more mindfully in the process.

Playful Living

To be curious is to be open to learning more about ourselves and the world we live in; to deepen our self-awareness; and to consciously create the way we want to live.

We invite you to get curious…