About Me

Hello, I am Amelia Hazelden, a lover of the ocean, books and tea, and an enthusiastic believer in the power of living playfully and approaching all life offers with a curious mind and a compassionate heart. I am inspired by my children and nature, and love exploring, imagining and learning with them; discovering wonder in the ordinary and magic in the mundane.

I have developed ‘Create Curious Minds’ due to being passionate about looking after mental health, emotional well-being and deepening the connection to self and others.

I have fifteen years of experience working with children from birth to teens across a huge variety of settings, and have successfully developed and led programmes of mindfulness classes and therapeutic arts sessions within schools.

I have also created and led mindset and meditation sessions with adults, ranging from expectant mothers to professional athletes and young entrepreneurs; most notably developing a programme in relaxation techniques and guided meditations for two professional rugby teams.

I have completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Therapeutic Arts during which I learnt the theory behind and the practical process of the educational and therapeutic application of the various arts forms: art, drama, sculpture/clay, poetry, sandplay, music, puppets dance/movement. I have a comprehensive understanding of humanistic and integrative psychotherapy focussing on attachment theory, Transactional Analysis, Gestalt theory and the neurobiology of the developing brain.

I am passionate about empowering others by increasing their sense of self-esteem and self-worth, and know through experience that this can be achieved with children of all ages by building a strong sense of trust and connection through the use of play and considered communication.

I help parents and caregivers to learn the skills to do this within their own homes and families; to enable both adults and children to achieve a more fulfilling and enriched life experience.

Photo by Michael Morse on Pexels.com

One time, I asked my Grandma if she knew any magic.

Grow up to be yourself, she said. All the rest is party tricks.

Brian Andreas

I do not know where tomorrow will lead but I do know I am free to give my all with audacious hope for what could be.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you. It can tell you you’re no good, that it’s all hopeless. But remember this; you are loved, and important and you bring to this world things no-one else can. So hold on.”

Charlie Mackesy

Let’s create something together.